Adobe Illustrator CC Essentials
This 2-day introductory course provides a comprehensive overview of the tools and features of Adobe Illustrator CC. You will learn how this leading industry program elevates graphical design and gain hands-on experience creating and manipulating shapes and curves, as well as combining them with text to produce effective logos for both digital and print media. Through the use of colors, gradients, layers, fonts, and photos, you will develop the skills to create eye-catching illustrations and text effects.
per person
Training Delivery Format
Face-to-face / Virtual Class
per person
Training Delivery Format
Face-to-face (F2F) / Virtual Class
Class types
Public Class
Private Class
In-House Training
About this course
This 2-day introductory course will help you learn about the tools and features available in Adobe Illustrator CC. We will help you understand how this industry-leading program takes graphical design to a new level. You will learn how to create and manipulate shapes and curves, combining them with text to produce simple logos ready for the web and for print.
Together, we will work with colors, gradients, layers, fonts, and photos to create eye-catching illustrations and text effects.
Who should attend?
This course is intended for graphic designers and textile/fashion designers, and anyone else who has visual-design responsibilities.
Learning Outcome
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Navigate the Illustrator environment
- Draw and understand Bézier curves, the root of drawing in Illustrator
- Create a logo using simple shapes
- Apply gradients and patterns
- Edit paths and anchor points
- Set attributes in the Appearance panel
- Measure objects and place them with precision
- Trace and color your hand-drawn artwork with Live Trace, Live Paint, and Live Color
- Export illustrations for web and for print
Our goal is for you to gain a comprehensive understanding in the basics of creating and manipulating shapes and text.
You will need basic PC or Mac skills, including a solid understanding of a computer’s operating system (Windows or Mac OS). You will also need to know how to launch a program, create and save files, and copy files from CDs and other media.
Course Content
The following is a general outline. The range of topics covered during your training is dependent upon student level, time available and preferences of your course booking.
Core Illustrator Concepts
- What are Vector Graphics?
- Creating a Custom Workspace
- Fill and Stroke Attributes
- Document Settings
The Interface
- Exploring panels and workspaces
- Using the Control Panel
- Navigation
- Smart Guides
- Preview Options
- Grids and Guides
- The Bounding Box
- Panels
- Libraries
Illustrator Color Tools
- Defining swatches
- Working with gradients
- Working with patterns
- Using the Color Guides
- Live Color
- Finding colors with Kuler
Drawing and Selection Essentials
- Draw Paths with the Pen Tool
- Shape Tools
- The Selection Tools
- Methods of Selection
- Shapes
- Duplicate Objects
- Mastering the Pen Tool
- The Pencil tool
Editing Paths
- Editing Anchor Points
- Compound Shapes
- Pathfinder Options
- Path Options
- The Appearance Panel
- Object Attributes
- Multiple attributes
- Applying Live Effects
- Appearance Panel settings
Working with Groups and Layers
- Defining groups
- Editing groups
- Working with layers
- Layers and object hierarchy
Object Transformation and Positioning
- Moving and copying objects
- Rotating and scaling objects
- Reflecting and skewing objects
- Using the Transform panel
- Creating a calligraphic brush
- Creating an art brush
- Creating a pattern brush
Using Symbols
- Defining and editing symbols
- Editing symbols
Applying Filters and Live Effects
- Minding your resolution settings
- Transforming Effects
- Using the Warp effect
Basic Text Editing
- Creating Point Text
- Creating Area Text
- Text Formatting
- Creating Text Threads
- Text on a Path
- Using the Glyphs panel
Creating Blends
- Creating a basic blend
- Using a blend to create an airbrush effect
- Working with Images
Placing images
- Using the Links panel
- The Edit Original workflow
- Live Trace
- Rasterizing artwork
Specialised Tasks
- Creating graphs
- Using Gradient Mesh
- Using Envelope Warps
- The Liquify Distortion tools
Illustrator Output
- Saving your Illustrator document
- Printing your Illustrator document
- Using the Crop Area tool
- Setting up page tiling