Android™ Applications UI/UX Design and Monetization Techniques
Elevate your Android app development skills with our 3-day professional course! Learn to design engaging UI/UX and monetize your apps in 18 hours of expert training. Our course covers both design and monetization techniques and is mapped for the AND-X30 exam. Join now and take your app development to the next level!
Certification by
per person
Training Delivery Format
Face-to-face / Virtual Class
Associated Certification
per person
Training Delivery Format
Face-to-face (F2F) / Virtual Class
Associated Certification
Class types
Public Class
Private Class
In-House Training
About this course
This is a three-day (18 hours) professional course, which thoroughly covers the Android Applications UI/UX Design in the first three lessons and Monetization Techniques in another three lessons.
This course is mapped for AND-X30 exam.
Who should attend?
It’s highly recommended that the attendees of this course know the basics of Android application development knowledge.
Learning Outcome
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- Understand different techniques to monetize your application.
- Add advertisements without degrading the user experience.
- Create Android applications with in-app billing.
- Publish and advertise your application effectively.
To acquire good knowledge of Android application development, trainees may attend the Android Application Development course.
Course Content
Lesson 1: UI/UX Design Fundamentals
UX Designer
UI Designer
Strategy and Content
- What is Content Strategy?
Wire-framing and Prototyping
- Uses of App Wireframes and Prototypes
- Wireframes Levels
- Elements of Wireframes and Prototypes
- The difference between Wireframe and Prototype
Execution and Analytics
Usability and User’s Feeling
Testing and Feedback
- Visual design and user’s interaction
- Functionality
- Compatibility, performance and stability
- Security
- Setting up a Test Environment
- Usability Testing by Participants
- Starting Your Test Session
- Analyzing Your Test
Lesson 2: Buiding an App Wireframe
Why is Wireframe the first step
Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful UX design
Wireframe Tools for Mobile Apps
- Paper Prototyping
- Storyboard That Software
- Adobe XD (Experience Design)
Lab 2: Building Your App Wireframe
1- Brainstorming Phase
2- Wireframe Phase
Lesson 3: A UX/UI Designer Journey in Two Android Apps
Pizza Pizza Application
The Weather Network Application
Lesson 4: How to Monetize your Application
Different Monetization Techniques
- Paid Applications
- Lite vs. Pro
- Advertising and Ad Mediation
- In-App Purchase
- Subscriptions
Ad Format
Ad Types
Best Technique for Your Business
Adding In-App Ads to Your Android Application
Revenue Metrics
Lab 4: Adding Google Ads to your Application
- Creating an Android Application
- Adding Google Play Services to Your Project
- Modifying the Manifest File
- Creating an AdMob Account and an Ad Unit ID
- Placing the Ad in your Main Activity Layout
- Requesting and loading Ads
Lesson 5: Publishing your Application
Preparing your App for Release
Releasing your App to Users
- Releasing your App through an Application Marketplace
- Releasing your Application through Email
- Releasing Through a Web Site
Signing your Application
The Publishing Process on Google Play
Google Play In-App Billing Service
Releasing App Best Practices
Lab 5 : Publishing your Application on Google Play
- Creating an Android Application
- Signing your Application Using Android Studio
- Creating a Publisher Account
- Publishing Your App
Lesson 6: Licensing and Monitoring your Application
Licensing your Application
Google Play Licensing
- Setting up Licensing
Adding Licensing to Your App
Monitoring your App
- Benefits
- Using Google Analytics
Lab 6: Adding Licensing and Analytics to your Application
- Setting up Google Play Licensing Service in Android Studio
- Using LVL in your Applications Code
- Setting up Google Mobile Analytics in Android Studio

At this time, this course is available for private class and in-house training only. Please contact us for any inquiries.