JavaScript Basics
This course introduces JavaScript, showcasing interactive websites and exploring its historical impact on the language. Students learn to write scripts, assess HTML and CSS skills, create variables and arrays, and receive support for skill improvement. Extensive practice is available.
per person
Training Delivery Format
Face-to-face / Virtual Class
per person
Training Delivery Format
Face-to-face (F2F) / Virtual Class
Class types
Public Class
Private Class
In-House Training
About this course
This course will teach you the programming language JavaScript and demonstrate websites that have the kinds of interactive features you’ll be able to create. You’ll learn about the origins of JavaScript and how its history influences the way it is written today and in the future.
Throughout the course, you will write your initial scripts, and your HTML and CSS abilities will be evaluated. You’ll also learn how to create variables and arrays and assign values to them. If you need help improving your skills, the course provides resources and suggestions. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice and master these fundamental skills.
Learning Outcome
This course covers various topics including using a code editor, introduction to selection control structures, creating loops, and understanding core programming structures.
Course Content
Getting Started, Introduction to JavaScript, Variables, and Arrays
- Welcome to this Course
- Module 1 Introduction
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Tools Needed for Success3mSkills Needed for Success
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Variables Practice
- JavaScript Variables Practice
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript Arrays Practice
Controlling Logical Flow in JavaScript
- Visual Studio
- Operators, Booleans & Selection in JavaScript
- Try This
- Comparing Values
- Else If
- Switch Statements
- Using &&
- Loops in JavaScript
- Working With Arrays
- The For..Of Loop
- While Loops
- Structured Programming, Sequence
- Loop
- Loop + Selection
- JavaScript Basic Challenges Introduction
- Functions in JavaScript
- Passing In and Returning Data
- Useful Example
- More On Functions10m
Using JavaScript in the Web Browser
- JavaScript and the DOM
- Dot Syntax and Methods
- DOM: getElementsByTagName();
- DOM: getElementsByClassName();
- DOM: querySelector();
- DOM: querySelectorAll();nerHTMLclassName6mCreating Elements and Text Nodes
- Removing Elements3mCapturing Events with JavaScript
- Event Listeners5mThe Event Object
- More On Events7mMouseover, Mouseover Events: HTML
- Scroll Events: HTML
- Window Resizing
- Key Down Event6mScope in JavaScript
- Strategy 1: Never Use Global Scope8mStrategy 2: “use strict;”
- Strategy 3: const and let
- Scope in JavaScript Summary
- Simple JS Slideshow
- Slideshow with Cross Fade Effect
Basic JavaScript Application Projects
- Basic Distance Converter Project
- Advanced Distance Converter Project
- Vacation Destination Project: HTML & CSS
- Vacation Destination Project: JavaScript

At this time, this course is available for private class and in-house training only. Please contact us for any inquiries.