What is Python?
Python is a high-level, object-oriented programming language with dynamic semantics. This programming language has an interpretive structure and offers sophisticated built-in data structures that allow for dynamic typing and binding.
Rapid Application Development and connecting existing components together make it an attractive choice. It can also be used as a scripting or glue language. The language is known for its simple, easy-to-learn syntax, which emphasizes readability and reduces the cost of program maintenance.
Python supports modules and packages, promoting program modularity and code reuse. Python interpreter and standard library can be obtained at no cost for all major platforms. It can be distributed in either source or binary form. It is free of charge.
One of the key advantages of Python is its increased productivity. The process of making changes, testing them and quickly finding and fixing errors is very quick as no compilation is required.
Debugging Python programs is also straightforward. Errors are raised as exceptions, not segmentation faults. With a source level debugger, users can inspect local and global variables, evaluate expressions, set breakpoints, and step through code.
The debugger is written in Python itself, which demonstrates the language’s introspective power. Debugging a program can be made easier by adding print statements to its source code. This is a fast and efficient method, as it allows for an edit-test-debug cycle.
Python History Overview
Guido van Rossum created Python in the late 1980s. It was intended as a replacement for the ABC programming language. The ABC language was used with the Amoeba operating system. Rossum began implementing Python in 1989 and worked on the language alone until 2018.
Python was named after the BBC comedy series “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. This is because the first version of Python was capable of reading the script. The language was first released in 1994 as version 1.0. Version 2.0 was launched in 2000, introducing features such as collection systems and comprehensions.
In 2008, an updated version of Python, “Py3K” or Python 3.0, was introduced which corrected a major problem with the language. It is important to note that Python 3.0 was not fully backward-compatible with earlier versions of the language. The developers decided to simplify and update the language. This created some difficulties for those who had been using older versions of Python.
How does the Python interpreter work?
Python is an interpreted language. This means the interpreter reads the source code line by line. It then executes each line one at a time. The Python interpreter reads the source code when a script is run from the command line or interactive shell. It then executes the code line by line.
In interactive environments such as Jupyter notebooks or web applications where Python is run on the server side, this is the process that is used for executing Python code. The Python interpreter takes the source code written by the developer and converts it into intermediate language.
This language is then translated into the native language or machine language. Finally, the machine language is executed. The interpreter converts the original program into a form that the Python virtual machine can understand and execute.
Source Code Analysis
Source code analysis is an important part of the Python interpreter. It starts with the lexical analysis phase, which involves dividing the source code files into a list of tokens.
The interpreter then looks at the spacing of the lines and verifies that the Python code is written correctly. If any lines are incorrect, the program will not be able to run and an error message will be displayed. This step is referred to as lexical analysis.
In the following step, the interpreter will generate byte codes. Byte codes are a low-level representation of the source code that can be executed by the Python virtual machine. The byte codes are generated from the source code by the Python compiler.
Byte Code Generation
After the Python interpreter receives the tokens, it manipulates the lexical tokens and generates a big structure called the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The interpreter then transforms the Abstract Syntax Tree into machine-readable code, known as byte code. This byte code is saved in a file with the “.pyc” extension in Python.
In the following section, we will look at how the Python interpreter deciphers and executes these byte codes.
The Python Virtual Machine (PVM)
The Python interpreter starts up its internal system, the Python Virtual Machine (PVM), by loading the machine language code along with its library modules into the PVM. The PVM then executes the code and prints the results.
In the event of a mistake during the PVM procedure, the executor will instantly cease the action in order to reveal the mistake. If you don’t possess the Python software or are using a mobile device, any online Python compiler can be used.
Alternatively, you can download Python from the official Python website and install it on your operating system.
Python Certification
Python certification is a validation of an individual’s proficiency in the Python programming language. There are several certification programs available, including those offered by the Python Software Foundation, Oracle, and Microsoft.
Certifications usually require people to take an exam. This exam tests their knowledge and practical skills in Python. This includes syntax, data structures, algorithms, and programming techniques.
Obtaining a Python certification can demonstrate a person’s expertise. This can be beneficial to potential employers and clients. It may also enhance their career prospects and earning potential. However, it is important to note that certification is not a substitute for real-world experience and hands-on coding practice.